It takes two to invest:
Your vision,
Our experience.

Gestão Top Duo

Gestão TOP DUO

It takes two to invest.

A partnership that allows you to choose a true global investment with exceptional diversification opportunities. Diversify your investments and invest in Top Selection Insurance modalities.

Comprises Insurance linked to Investment Funds, classified as Complex Financial Products, which allow you to build and manage your investment portfolio within an offer of excellence.

An unbeatable duo where the vision is yours and the knowledge belongs to our specialists.

- Freedom and flexibility to build your investment portfolio within a varied and diversified offer of Autonomous Funds; 
- Dynamic management: you can change the allocations/weights to the different Autonomous Funds, without costs and without fiscal impacts; 
- Fiscal advantages associated to Insurance;
- Support from a Bankinter Relationship Manager in all your decisions; 
- Detailed monthly information.


Build up your own investment portfolio with the Autonomous Funds we put at your disposal:

Top Selection Temáticos

Allow investment in innovative areas such as cybersecurity,
robotics and artificial intelligence, among others.


• TS Infraestruturas

• TS Smart Energy

• TS Robótica

• TS Ciber Segurança

• TS Inteligência Artificial







Top Selection Clássicos

Allow investment in the traditional asset classes, within the universe of shares and bonds.


• TS Obrigações Taxa Variável

• TS Ações Reino Unido

• TS Ações E.U.A.

• TS Ações Europa Ex-Reino Unido

• TS Ações Asia Pacífico Ex-Japão

• TS Ações Mercados Emergentes

• TS Obrigações Globais Investment Grade

• TS Obrigações High Yield

• TS Obrigações Mercados Emergentes

• TS Ações Japão



- Subscription: 0.00% (until 31/12/2025)
- Change of plan: 0.00%
- Redemption (until 31/12/2025):
   - 1st year: 0.50%
   - Following years: 0.00%
- Management:
   - TS Clássicos:up to 1.00%
   - TS Temáticos: 1.25%1

Responsible investment requires that you know its implications and are willing to accept them.

1The percentage shown results from the Management Fee plus the cost of the supplementary coverages for "death" and accidental death.

Minimum Amounts

- New contract: 2,500 EUR 
- Modification of modality: 2,500 EUR 
- Extra delivery: 1,000 EUR 
- Redemption: 1,000 EUR 
- Maintenance: 1,000 EUR

Complementary Coverage

Guarantees the payment of additional capital, in the event of Accidental Death and Death from any cause of the insured person.

Capital insured: 
- Death by Accident: 20.00% of the capital insured at the time (with a max. of 11.000 EUR) 
- Death from any cause: 1.00% of the capital insured at the time (with a max. of 1.500 EUR)

Age of termination:
- Death by Accident: 67 years of age of the insured person 
- Death by any cause: no term

For more information on this cover, please consult the product's pre-contractual conditions.

Note: only applicable to the Autonomous Funds: TS Infraestruturas, TS Smart Energy, TS Robótica, TS Ciber Segurança,TS Inteligência Artificial and TS Ações Japão.


Unlike other financial products whose tax rate on income is currently 28%, this product, being a capitalisation insurance, benefits from more favourable tax treatment, provided that 35% of the contributions are made in the first half of the contract, which translates into:
- Non-taxation of income until its effective settlement.  
- Tax rate reduction according to the length of the contract: 
- 22.4% from 5 years and 1 day onwards; 
- 11.2% from 8 years and 1 day onwards.

If the beneficiary of the amounts paid is an IRC taxpayer: 
- The exclusion of taxation of part of the income depending on the duration of the contract does not apply;
- In case of redemption or maturity, the income will be subject to withholding at a rate of 25%, which has the nature of a payment on account of the tax due at the end. 

Support documentation

Be aware that the following information is only available in portuguese.


Useful Information

This does not dispense with consulting the legally required pre-contractual and contractual information. The Key Information Document may be consulted in any Bankinter branch or at

Bankinter Seguros de Vida, S.A. de Seguros y Reaseguros 
Registered Office: Avda de Bruselas, 12, 28108, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
Bankinter Seguros de Vida, Sucursal em Portugal 
Praça Marquês de Pombal, nº 13, 3.o andar, 1250-162 Lisbon 
NIPC 980545587, C.R.C. Lisbon

Bankinter, S.A. - Sucursal em Portugal 
Praça Marquês de Pombal, n.º13, 2.o andar 1250-162 Lisbon NIPC 980547490, C.R.C Lisbon, Portugal 
Registered with the Insurance and Pension Funds Supervisory Authority for the exercise of the activity of Tied Insurance Banking Operator, with no. 0V-0028(22/02/2016) in the Life and Non-Life branches. Bankinter, S.A. - Sucursal em Portugal, registered with the Bank of Portugal under No. 269, as an intermediary does not assume the coverage of risks, does not conclude insurance contracts in its name and is not authorised to receive insurance premiums to be delivered to the insurer. Information about the intermediary accessible at




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